Tune into stories of those that have had “ALL THE ODDS” against them and turned it into something life changing. 

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This podcast is such a breath of fresh air for myself, and all those who suffer from chronic pain diseases. I do not have a mess, but I have CRPS – chronic regional pain syndrome – and I can relate to everything Britt candidly shares with her audience. Thank you for your humility, honesty and sense of humor!” - @ohmyseoul

Apple Podcasts

Loving EVERYTHING about this show.” - @ojcazares

Apple Podcasts


Intro- Who is A Hot MS?


It's Ok to be a hot MS.



Hi everyone. My name is Britt and I'm a hot MS. Thought everyone needed a little introduction. I am a wife, a mother of two, yorkie mom, creative beast, advocate for MS and…

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Vita this Vita that


Your body doesn’t have the ability to turn garbage into a high quality product. All of your cells, muscles, skin, bones, etc. are built by the food that you supply. Choose wisely.


 When I began my quest for world domination…

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Acceptance is just an anxiety attack away


Acceptance doesn't mean resignation; it means understanding that something is what it is and that there's got to be a way through it. - Michael J. Fox


Giving into a body you no longer can control seems almost impossible. It's…

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Send in the clowns


Setting boundaries is a way of caring for myself. It doesn’t make me mean, selfish, or uncaring (just) because I don’t do things your way. I care about me, too. ― Christine Morgan



Humor has always been a coping mechanism…

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You're not cool unless you pee your pants


“I'm going to go pee. If the universe is bigger and stranger than I can imagine, it's best to meet it with an empty bladder.” ― John Scalzi, Old Man's War



Ok let’s get real people. There are so many…

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You're not cool unless you pee your pants


“I'm going to go pee. If the universe is bigger and stranger than I can imagine, it's best to meet it with an empty bladder.” ― John Scalzi, Old Man's War



Ok let’s get real people. There are so many…

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Do you love you?




Self love is a very hard concept to wrap our heads around at times. It's so easy for us to say I love you to family, friends, the dog, co-workers even. Has the phrase lost meaning? Has it really become…

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Urgent care Doc snotted on me...SPEAK UP!

Do doctors really always know what’s best? We are taught from childhood that the Doctor is a safe person. A person to trust. We trust our parents as children when they take us to the doctor, and we are distracted…

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I laugh in the face of fear...not


Fear is a powerful beast...but we can learn to ride it.



Fear is inevitable. It’s a part of life and we all fear one thing or another. I view fear as a motivator in a way. A tool to not…

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When fear has a face



They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I think a picture is more like one billion words. People ask me “Are you scared?” and I have to be honest yes, I am. But there is a certain level…

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Limits Schlimits


Boundaries aren’t all bad. That’s why there are walls around mental institutions.



Listening to your body is not as easy as it sounds. I myself like to thrive on going a 100 mph at all times and then my car…

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All hail the juice Gods!

I never saw myself as someone who would take on juicing as a daily activity. I saw so many around me living this life style. Especially in Southern California. In orange county there is a juice or smoothie shop on…

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Eat with me! - Food is medicine

Last night I was asked by a fellow MS warrior and beautiful woman how I was able to change my diet so easily? She asked what I eat daily, asked about my juicing adventure. She had asked me if I…

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Babes with Mobility Aids


There is no great disability in society then the inability to see a person as more.


When I started exploring the option to use walking canes to avoid going tip tip boom I knew I wanted to find ones to…

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Emergency Evacuation Plan



  The reality is that not everyday you are going to feel like a hero and want to shout from the rooftops how you want to change the world by being an advocate for a crappy disease. Some days are good,…

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Rituxan here we come...

I’m decided the best thing I could do right now is to get on the computer and and blog about what is going on through my head right now. I haven’t had many “panic” moments in this process of diagnosis…

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4th Floor-Chemo Infusion Wing


God has a purpose for all of us. I'm exploring my purpose to be a voice for others.


When I know I am going to blog I typically have the perfect opening statement. This time I have nothing but silence…

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“You’re still like this?”

Writing this blog may be a struggle but nevertheless I am forcing myself to comply with my mission to bring raw awareness to others fighting this battle and never sugar coat anything. I received my first infusion a few days…

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