Credit Juliana Tustin @iamvisable

Credit Juliana Tustin @iamvisable


Brittany Quiroz (key-rose) - better known as “A Hot MS” is an entrepreneur & philanthropist in the world of multiple sclerosis, chronic illness and disability. 

She utilizes her talents as a writer, speaker, artist, singer-songwriter, disability advocate, model and content creator to widen the perception of what disability looks like. 

She is the host of Podcast “All the Odds with A Hot MS” which can be heard on Apple Podcasts, Spotify & more. Listen in on conversations between those who have had “All the Odds” against them, yet have conquered through determination and intrepidity. 

Quiroz recently started a charity project ART4aCAUSE. Through selling her art she is able to purchase unique & beautiful mobility aids to those that need to level up their accessibility tools! 50% of all her art proceeds fund this cause. 

“Being diagnosed with a neurological disability at the age of 30 is enough to make anyone climb into a hole. The initial reaction of shock, fear, grief overwhelms us and we are left frozen. Unsure of where we go next. Being haunted daily by the signs of MS left me with so many unanswered questions. Just saying “it’s a lot to take in” doesn’t even begin to cover the extensive impact this moment has on your life.” 

Quiroz  was  welcomed  into  the  MS  Community  in  Sept  2019  at  the  age  of  30.  By  Aug  2020  she  was  welcomed  into  the  Previvor  Community  after  being  given  a  65%  risk  of  developing  Breast  Cancer  and  underwent  a  voluntary  Bilateral  Mastectomy  to  reduce  her  risk.  In  the  Summer  of  2021  Plaque Psoriasis  was  added  to  her  diagnosis  of  autoimmune  conditions along with IBS-C.  And  if  all  of  that  wasn’t  enough,  this  determined  Wife  and  Mother  of  2  was  given  a  new  diagnosis  of  Fibromyalgia  in  the  Winter  of  2022. 

“Yes,  it’s  a lot.  Yes,  some  days  are  terrible .  Yet  some days  are  incredible.  It  depends  on  how  you  look  at  it.  Sometimes  you  are thrown against a wall of reality with emotions that contradict one another, leaving you in a state of sudden whiplash.” 

Quiroz  continues to build her brand of “A Hot MS” in the Multiple Sclerosis Community to empower, educate and encourage others living with the disease to keep pushing. 

“My diagnostic train-wreck  was a clear indicator of my purpose, revealing itself through pain.  God  has  a  funny  way  of  handing  you  a  disaster  to  turn  into  something  incredible.  I  never  saw  this  path  for  my  life,  yet  here  we  are.” 

Quiroz  has  acquired a unique writing  style  that  has  been  widely  received .  Being transparent with zero filters allows her readers to connect and know they are not alone in this fight, while bringing some humor and positivity to the table. Covering  topics  like  her  nonexistent  ability  to  control  her  bladder ,  to  learning  how  to  laugh  at  yourself  when  you  fall  in  public-  she’s  not  afraid  to  “go  there”. 

Her  goal is to bring light into the darkness we face. To allow those struggling,  to use their pain as fuel to keep going. To redirect how our brains cope with tragedy. To develop the skill to change the way we perceive things. 

Having grown up as a Singer-Songwriter, Quiroz knew that music would always be a part of her life. Writing music alongside her co-writer and mother Kristen Spath for over 15 years, the message she was meant to convey now was more clear than ever. To motivate. To empower. To strengthen. Quiroz  has used her diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis  and  more  to impact the lives of others  fighting through chronic illness. 

“When you change your perception, you change your reality.” says Quiroz 

“A Hot MS” strives  to  break the stigma attached with what disability is supposed to look like. 

"I strive  to  break  the  mold. I like  to  say  I’m  an  advocate for perception. That regardless of anyone’s situation, by changing our view  of  it,  we can take a less than perfect situation and turn it into something beautiful, empowering and knowledgeable. I try to approach my journey with no limits and no filters.  When there’s no pretty way of telling your story, tell the truth.”