Disability should never hinder our ability to express ourselves. So what do we do? We google “cool walking canes” or “fashion mobility aids” and we may find tools that will work but we are definitely limited in what we have access to as the consumer. So what do we do? We think outside the box. We get creative and we make our vision become a reality!

Evolution has no limits or boundaries. Don’t be afraid to create and express yourself regardless of what you think may be a limitation. 

YOUR VISION IS LIMITLESS!  There are no limits, no rules, no boundaries. You just have to get a bit creative. Think of what you envision as a science project. It may require some testing and trail and error but when you know what you want in the end you can weed through what worked and what didn’t work. 

I know this subject will probably only touch a certain percentage of people. I know there are many people out there that would care less if their mobility aid suits their personality and view it from a practical sense only. Which is fine. But I know that initially I was not feeling very confident about needing to utilize a mobility aid. I was reluctant to say the least but knew that it would better my quality of life and also better the chances of keeping my face in one piece from not falling face first into the sidewalk or even the walls of my home that I swear move at times. “That wall just came outta no where” is a phrase that is heard often by my family. 

I remember starting off my MS journey after speaking with my neurologist at the time about finding walking canes that at least somewhat fit my personality. I found a few. But again I felt like I was always settling for what was available. Why do we have to settle? We should never settle for anything in life. Again when we change our perspective to look at the bigger picture there are no rules and zero limitations. Stretch and expand the way you think. Get uncomfortable. Success doesn’t come to people who stay comfortable! 

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