No Filter Required



What is the point of putting on a front all the time? We live in a society where filtering your photos is as normal as using toilet paper. I have come to find peace and an aspect of freedom from just laying it all out there in the open. All cards on the table. No filtering, no airbrushing, no sugar coating the story to sound more glamorous and spectacular. What is the point of doing this? We give not only ourselves a false reality but to those we are trying to connect with we are also contributing to a false life. A fakeness. Non-organic and massively manufactured to fit into a stigma of what we are taught to believe is the right way of doing things. 


My nurse asked me yesterday during my full 1000 mg Rituxan infusion if i needed anything prescription wise to fight constipation. They had given me anti nausea medication that may cause constipation and the first words out of my mouth to her was "I'm perfect in that department. I juice so much that believe it or not I can't trust a fart now a days." It's the truth and she laughed and smiled. And it overall makes light of the situation. Why not make them chuckle right? Laughter is such a powerful medicine. 


We have to learn to stop filtering life. It's very hard to do now because we are in a world full of young entrepreneurs and ambassadors of brands that are building up their business to create a stable and secure income and impact. But when it comes to a non-sales perspective by not filtering and pre-positioning our lives for the world to see then we welcome in a world of reality. A world of truth. A world of honesty and empowerment that is stronger than a snap-chat filter of a duck face selfie. We have so much more to offer. 


What is really underneath it all? Pain, fear, love, charisma, quirks, insecurities, passion, drive, understanding, joy. This is what drives our inspiration. People being people. People living life. People going through hell and back to fight against something. People standing up for what they believe in. I have met so many people fighting the battle against Multiple Sclerosis and so many of them almost seem to share a battle with shame. They feel ashamed to have this illness and to speak freely about it. Constantly feeling judged and yes we face struggles daily and that my friend is the reality. But again it all comes back to how we face it. What we do with it and how we rejuvenate it into something beautiful and honest. 

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