Moist and I’m pretty sure I’m going to die

MS Warrior Question- “How do you handle random heat/flush incidents? Do you have any solutions you use for these?”


Temperature fluctuation and heat intolerance can be a very challenging part of life for those living with Multiple Sclerosis. I personally have been experiencing body temperature changes for years without knowing exactly why. When I was diagnosed with MS in 2019, I remember a light bulb switching on in my head. The sort of “Ahh Ha!” moment of putting two and two together; explaining why I could go from borderline hypothermic freezing, to needing to go streaking through my house with an ice pack strapped to my rear. It can be very “whiplashy” to say the least. Causing us the need to be prepared for any and all situations. 

As we slowly enter Summer, the inevitable reality of heat comes back into play. Although, with the way the weather has been lately we’re left on the edge of our seats waiting to see what rollacoaster the climate flings us on next. Regardless, if temps in the 90’s come during their normally scheduled months or if running late, prepare we must…to melt. Insert dramatic “dun dun dunnnn” here. 

The days of getting overly excited for a hot summer's day, for many of us is now a cautionary game of how to survive the summer without exacerbating our already tricky MS symptoms. It’s a whole new game of chess and let's face it, it’s easy to bundle up and plug in a heating pad when Jack Frost rolls around but there’s only so much we can do to stay cool. Aside from getting into the frozen pizza freezer at the grocery store. True story. I’ve done this and unfortunately was asked to leave. So I don’t recommend trying that one.

So how do we navigate the sporadic heat flush that creeps up on us causing us to feel dizzy, nauseous, weak and even lightheaded? Get ready to get creative people! I myself have found clever ways to manage the hotter months so I can still enjoy myself without staying locked in my house like a caged animal glued to the AC.





Heat Hack #1-You’re an onion. 

Much like an onion, layers are vital for anyone battling heat intolerance. If you get chilly, throw on a layer. Feeling flush? Take a layer off. I like to wear light fabrics that offer good airflow. Stay away from anything with Nylon. And it’s always a good idea to avoid fabrics that cling or are too tight. You can also find UV protective clothing that doesn’t absorb heat as much as standard fabrics. Light colored fabrics are always a wiser choice. I also like to dunk a ball cap in ice water before heading out on really hot days. Keeping your head cool can reduce your overall body temperature. 


Heat Hack #2- Stock up on those ice packs. 

As soon as the temp is over 80° I bring an ice pack with me pretty much wherever I go. I fell in love with ice packs from ReLeaf Pack @releafpack because they are soft, eco friendly and stay cool for over 2 hours. With a variety of sizes it’s easy to even stick one in the back of your pants or shorts and it's easy to hide. 




Heat Hack #3- Think of yourself like a houseplant. 

I use a micro misting water bottle specific for house plants. 

To avoid overheating I like to fill mine up with ice water, throw it in my bag for the day so I can spritz myself when I feel the heat becoming too much. The fine mist offers a cool refreshing release without soaking yourself down when you’re out and about. I honestly don’t leave my house without my mister water bottle. You can even get creative and add some essential oils to your water to add some extra to your mix. 

Level up! 


Heat Hack #4- Shade is your friend. 

Sun shades and parasols can be great to make sure you stay shaded. I myself can even get overheated riding in the car with the AC on. Sun coming through the car window can make my skin hurt at times. Window shades that stick directly onto the inside of your car window are a great solution. 


Heat Hack #5- Add to your arsenal. 

There are so many products available to combat heat intolerance. Cooling vests, cool wraps, personal fans that go around your neck and more. Explore locally or online to find what works for you. The more products you try the better you will be able to figure out your ideal heat arsenal. When in doubt…open up your freezer and hang out with the frozen peas for a sec. 


Heat Hack #6-  Plan ahead. 

There is nothing worse than having to stay home when your family wants to hit the beach on a hot summer day. Find a beach or pool that offers cabana rentals to remain shaded. You can even find a 10x10 Popup Tent at Walmart for around $50. Pop that sucker up and bask in the shade along with your other heat stroke avoiding tools of course. Plan around the weather also. It’s probably not a smart idea to plan a walk at the hottest time of the day. Stick to outdoor activities that are early in the morning or early evening. What about dining? Dine inside where it’s cool or opt for patio dining that offers misters. 





Heat Hack #7- Don’t add insult to injury. 

Avoid things that will worsen your heat intolerance. 

Hot tubs, hot baths, staying outside in 90° all day long, wearing a spandex bodysuit in the summer; these are probably all things you want to avoid. 


We don’t need to cringe at the thought of summer. We just need to change things up a bit and think outside the box. Preparation in my opinion is key to success. I encourage you to try these tricks. Think of it this way. While yes it can feel inconvenient needing to make adjustments to combat heat but does your AC need to be serviced? Of course. Do your filters need to be replaced on your return air unit? Every 4 months. So these are just steps that we need to take now in order to help us function more efficiently while avoiding melting like the Wicked Witch of the West. 


Goodluck and stay cool! 


Sincerely, “A Hot MS” - pardon the pun. 

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