FLASH BLOG ALERT- Don't Touch my stuff



 The face you make when people react differently towards you after your diagnosis. I've noticed a crazy range of reactions from friends, family, and even random strangers. 


Strangers seem to have the most "ballsy" reaction out of most. I have experienced random strangers coming up and touching my cane; which is the most annoying thing ever because every time someone does that I now have to take out my sanitizing wipes and wipe it down because who knows where your hands have been. Some people don't seem to know that my cane is my space, my property, what makes them think it's ok to walk up to someone and start touching my mobility aid? It baffles me to no end. 


Does anyone else run into this happening? I'm curious to know and how you handle the situation. 


I am slowly learning how to adjust to how people react towards me now. I always get the "you're so young" "you don't need a cane, you're so young" "Oh you poor thing". I always smile and am polite of course and simply tell them, "Multiple Sclerosis is typically diagnosed in young women more than men and effects everyone differently." I figure educating them doesn't hurt right?


But seriously...don't touch my cane. This is my biggest pet peeve now having a chronic illness and being over aware of germs and people's nasties. 

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