Where the heck do I even begin? We obviously never in a million years thought we would be in the middle of a Global Crisis due to COVID- 19. I know that I am not the only one who is nervous due to having an autoimmune disorder and disability. It seems every platform that is airing news on the matter is saying that the elderly and those with serious medical issues should basically stay in their homes and remain on lock down. 

This seems like a pretty drastic measure to anyone, I know this. Living with Multiple Sclerosis has brought me into such deep realization about keeping things clean, staying away from sick people and practicing wicked wicked germ free practices. If someone in my family is sick they wear a mask in our home and we quarantine them. It’s just what we have to do be it that if we are subjected to any illness it can lead to further health issues or possible infections. Basically I need to be in a bubble. It’s terrifying and can make anyone a bit OCD.  

We aren’t going overboard with stocking up on toilet paper and canned goods. We have enough for a few weeks and that is sufficient. However this whole pandemic has brought some realization to both myself and a good friend of mine Jenna Green of @thejennagreenon Instagram. In the past few weeks our whole world has been affected by this virus and everyone is now taking into consideration a higher awareness when it comes to the cleanliness we practice. 

In return society as a whole is now being told to take extra precaution when it comes to staying sanitized and safe. If you have an autoimmune disorder you know this reality too well. This is everyday life for someone with an autoimmune disorder. This is how we live. We wash our hands like we just murdered someone and we are trying to clean the DNA off our hands. We stay away from someone with a cold like they have Sars. We don’t like people touching our things because it’s natural for us to assume you are just a gross slob that just went pee and probably didn’t wash your hands. Basically if we can not assure you are clean we automatically think you are one nasty %!$ individual. If our kids are sick we don’t send them to school to infect the rest of the class like a crazy person. We get solid rest and make sure we are taking our daily vitamins. 

It was so baffling to run into CVS and see that all of the immune support vitamins were sold out and cleared off the shelves. For anyone with an autoimmune disorder this is a normal daily part of our rigorous vitamin regime. I truly believe that this pandemic is a great opportunity to start looking at practicing safe health and disease awareness from an outside perspective. To start to think to be less judgmental if you see someone wearing gloves or a mask while there is not a global pandemic in occurrence. Is this something people can do? I honestly do not know but I would think that this is a great time to raise awareness. We are now all in the same boat ladies and gents. 

As I’m writing this I just watched VP Pence say quote “those that with autoimmune deficiencies are suggested to remain home “they are most at risk”- this is straight up legitimate and not overreacting. I’m sitting here finishing this blog in my yoga pants which i’ve already accepted as a part of my daily attire now as I refuse to wear “real clothes” while I am in my house and yes im a bit nervous because I lack a normal functioning immune system. Not gonna sugar coat it. However if you are practicing safe health and sanitation awareness you have less to worry about but also practicing distancing is key. 

I guess the better question is that if you had a major health condition or autoimmune diease would you take the risk?Where the heck do I even begin? We obviously never in a million years thought we would be in the middle of a Global Crisis due to COVID- 19. I know that I am not the only one who is nervous due to having an autoimmune disorder and disability. It seems every platform that is airing news on the matter is saying that the elderly and those with serious medical issues should basically stay in their homes and remain on lock down. 

This seems like a pretty drastic measure to anyone, I know this. Living with Multiple Sclerosis has brought me into such deep realization about keeping things clean, staying away from sick people and practicing wicked wicked germ free practices. If someone in my family is sick they wear a mask in our home and we quarantine them. It’s just what we have to do be it that if we are subjected to any illness it can lead to further health issues or possible infections. Basically I need to be in a bubble. It’s terrifying and can make anyone a bit OCD.  

We aren’t going overboard with stocking up on toilet paper and canned goods. We have enough for a few weeks and that is sufficient. However this whole pandemic has brought some realization to both myself and a good friend of mine Jenna Green of @thejennagreenon Instagram. In the past few weeks our whole world has been affected by this virus and everyone is now taking into consideration a higher awareness when it comes to the cleanliness we practice. 

In return society as a whole is now being told to take extra precaution when it comes to staying sanitized and safe. If you have an autoimmune disorder you know this reality too well. This is everyday life for someone with an autoimmune disorder. This is how we live. We wash our hands like we just murdered someone and we are trying to clean the DNA off our hands. We stay away from someone with a cold like they have Sars. We don’t like people touching our things because it’s natural for us to assume you are just a gross slob that just went pee and probably didn’t wash your hands. Basically if we can not assure you are clean we automatically think you are one nasty %!$ individual. If our kids are sick we don’t send them to school to infect the rest of the class like a crazy person. We get solid rest and make sure we are taking our daily vitamins. 

It was so baffling to run into CVS and see that all of the immune support vitamins were sold out and cleared off the shelves. For anyone with an autoimmune disorder this is a normal daily part of our rigorous vitamin regime. I truly believe that this pandemic is a great opportunity to start looking at practicing safe health and disease awareness from an outside perspective. To start to think to be less judgmental if you see someone wearing gloves or a mask while there is not a global pandemic in occurrence. Is this something people can do? I honestly do not know but I would think that this is a great time to raise awareness. We are now all in the same boat ladies and gents. 

As I’m writing this I just watched VP Pence say quote “those that with autoimmune deficiencies are suggested to remain home “they are most at risk”- this is straight up legitimate and not overreacting. I’m sitting here finishing this blog in my yoga pants which i’ve already accepted as a part of my daily attire now as I refuse to wear “real clothes” while I am in my house and yes im a bit nervous because I lack a normal functioning immune system. Not gonna sugar coat it. However if you are practicing safe health and sanitation awareness you have less to worry about but also practicing distancing is key. 

I guess the better question is that if you had a major health condition or autoimmune disease would you take the risk?

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