I preach about perception so often I could give myself a nose bleed. But I really swear by it. Any situation no matter how tragic can be transformed into something positive if and only when we change our perception. I know, I know. This dare seems border line insane. How can you take a bad situation and turn it magically into gold? Keep in mind everything is a learning experience. Every challenge we go through in life has a hidden secret message. Hidden passage ways we can enter and explore IF and only IF we push the door open on our own. Nothing happens by chance and everything happens for a reason. It’s typically not until a long amount of time passes that we find that “Ah HA!” moment of realization when we put together the puzzle pieces. We sync up all the past events that led to what the final outcome was. “Ah HA!” we declare!

I know many of you may not view your diagnosis as a blessing. I may be one of the lunatics out there who firmly believe this is so. But nevertheless I am sticking to this conclusion as since my diagnosis I have experienced connection, inspiration, assurance of what I was destined to become, knowing  that my future can change at any second, the awareness to not waste time being stagnant. 

I would imagine it being very similar to having a near death experience. You see it in movies where someone defies all odds and survives a catastrophic car accident and walks away after months of rehabilitation. They wake up from being in a coma and has a whole new perspective on life and their goals and passions. You come out of moments like this and hit the ground running. You view things differently. You treasure your loved ones. You clean house with anyone that is bringing negativity into your life. You make wiser choices and carefully think through what really makes you tick and how you can use those abilities to not only better your life but the lives of people around you. 

We all have a purpose. I feel for one reason or another ; busy schedules, kids, doubt, fear, we short change our selves the slightest opportunity to make our purpose a reality and stable life style. Let’s get real here…we make excuses. We all do. I’ve done it for years. Literally years. Doubt, self-sabotage, fear, finances. I never fully took that LEAP OF FAITH and just went for it. Something was always standing in my way. 

Since my diagnosis and grand fruition epiphany of reality or maybe it was turning 31, who knows; it seems that letting go of all of the past excuses is the only option. We are given choices in life and it becomes so evident when the same doors keep opening up after you police tape off the door; that you are STILL supposed to walk a certain path. It’s not coincidental. It’s not by chance. It’s your calling. It’s your purpose. Don’t throw it away. You get one life and one life only. Might as well roll with it, let go of fear, strap on your helmet and take the most wild ride of your life. 

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